Black and White Photography by Robert David Atkinson.
"In the heart of Darby Creek's sprawling wilderness, a solitary bison stood as a living relic, the final embodiment of an era when herds roamed the open plains. Its hooves imprinted the soil, and its eyes held a mystique that transcended time. Whispered tales among the Ohio locals spoke of the bison's extraordinary gift - the power to peer into the past lives of the land it trod upon.
Those who ventured close enough to meet its gaze would find themselves transported, their senses entwined with visions of ghostly herds on the horizon and the songs of indigenous peoples carried by the wind.
The bison saw the faces of the Cheyenne, Lakota, Pawnee, and countless other tribes that had shared these plains. It saw families working together to build their homes, weaving intricate stories into every stitch of the lodges that protected them from the elements." – RDA
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